Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Team in Training Meeting

We had a really good information/kick off meeting for the Team in Training group. It looks like it will be a really good group. They have all been given generic training schedules. The other coaches and I will customize the schedules as required for each athlete. Those running the Maui Marathon have 18 weeks to get ready. The Nike Marathon participants have 23 weeks. I don't expect any of the Team athletes to be reading this blog because I have not told them about it yet .. :)

I am supposed to get a participant list with e-mail addresses by Thursday. After that, we can really get started with the training and coaching. Those that have schedules should get out and run for 20 minutes tomorrow.

1 comment:

elizabethnyc said...

Way to go, Kirk - you're doing an amazing thing!

Not only are you helping to get your runners to a point in their life that will amaze them - when they toe the starting line, and when they cross the finish line of their marathon.

But even better is that it's helping beat the cancer beast!

Can't wait to keep up with your blog!