Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It is good to able to run again....

After two weeks of having trouble walking reaching, bending, etc., I finally broke down and went to the chiropractor. The adjustment was last Thursday. I rested over the weekend and restarted my normal schedule on Monday. I had an easy run on Monday and laid it out a bit more today. I repeated the interval workout from three weeks ago, and did a bit better.

800m Interval times were 3:41, 3:39, 3:40, 3:39.

Warm up and cool down were miles at 10:30 and 10:52

400m rest times were 3:31, 3:28, 3:36

Overall the best interval session I can remember and a significant improvement over three weeks ago.

Mickey, Cody and family are on vacation, but Mickey is still posting on his blog so go over and leave him a nice word...

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