Saturday, December 20, 2008
Why do you do what you do?
I mentioned in a blog post a little while back that we are known by what we do. I have 3 kids. So, I am know as ____'s Father. I am also a Husband, a Scout Leader, a Sunday School Teacher, a Charity Distance Running Coach, and an Engineer.
Why do we pick what we do, and do we do It because it is a part of us or because it is a duty in some way. I went to vocational school in High School and that pointed me toward Engineering. So, I guess that is as good a place as any to start.
vo·ca·tion (vo-ka'sh?n)
1. A regular occupation, especially one for which a person is particularly suited or qualified.
2. An inclination, as if in response to a summons, to undertake a certain kind of work, especially a religious career; a calling.
[Middle English vocacioun, divine call to a religious life, from Old French vocation, from Latin vocatio, vocation-, a calling, from vocatus, past participle of vocare, to call; see wekw- in Indo-European roots.]
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2006 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Since the American Heritage Dictionary brings in the religious connotation...
From Wikipedia,
The idea of vocation is central to the Christian belief that God has created each person with gifts and talents oriented toward specific purposes and a way of life. Particularly in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, this idea of vocation is especially associated with a divine call to service to the Church and humanity through particular vocational life commitments such as marriage to a particular person, consecration as a religious, ordination to priestly ministry in the Church and even a holy life as a single person. In the broader sense, Christian vocation includes the use of ones gifts in their profession, family life, church and civic commitments for the sake of the greater common good.
The idea of a vocation or "calling" has been pivotal within Protestantism. Martin Luther taught that each individual was expected to fulfill his God-appointed task in everyday life. Although the Lutheran concept of the calling emphasized vocation, there was no particular emphasis on labor beyond what was required for one's daily bread. Calvinism transformed the idea of the calling by emphasizing relentless, disciplined labor. In the Institutes of the Christian Religion (1536), Calvin defined the role of "The Christian in his vocation." He noted that God has prescribed appointed duties to men and styled such spheres of life vocations or callings. Calvinists distinguished two callings: a general calling to serve God and a particular calling to engage in some employment by which one's usefulness is determined.
I grew up in the Lutheran Christian tradition, and I was blessed with a girlfriend / fiancé / wife who challenged me to examine what I believe and why. In response, I dug into the commentaries on faith at the same time I was studying for my chosen career. As a result, my faith developed alongside my secular knowledge base. So, the idea "...that each individual was (is) expected to fulfill his God-appointed task in everyday life" is a part of who I am. My regular occupation, the one that I am particularly suited for is that of an engineer. My desire is to have an impact, to make a difference for those who can't help themselves.
That idea can find expression in any number of ways, but I think I'll go back to my current career. I work as an engineer for a company that does renovations for cutting edge technology. It is possible, even likely, that I could work for 6 months on a project that will be pulled out and replaced in a few years. My boss is a religious man. But he expressed his (and my) desire in a non-religious way. The desire is to make an impact, do work that will last even to eternity. (OK, the expression was not completely non-religious). With that idea in mind. He has allowed people in the company to share his burden for missions, and I have gladly joined that task.
Before I went to college, I worked in construction. Before I started at this company, I was able to spend a week in the slums of Mexico City helping to build a Church. Since I started with the company, I have been to Honduras, Guatemala, and Africa on trips that allowed me to use my knowledge of engineering to help improve the designs of mechanical systems in a Hospital, an Orphanage, a Crippled Children's Hospital and a Mission Center.
When I started on my quest to improve my physical condition and get off of the blood pressure medication, it was only natural that I would do this task for reasons that were more than simply personal. I went back to the running that I did in college. Running is great for me. I helps to clear my head and make me feel better. There is nothing like watching the sun rise during an early morning run along the beach. Except maybe watching the stars during a late night run. Closely behind, is the feeling of the sun on your shoulders during a lunchtime run when you have to clear out from work for a while. As good as all this was for me, it was not long before I was raising money and running to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society through Team in Training. It was not long before I found out that fund raising was not one of my talents, but involvement in Team in Training was the right thing to do. Just after my first season with Team in Training, the daughter of a close friend was diagnosed with Lymphoma. She is the same age as my middle son and I watched and prayed as she went through treatment and ultimately recovered. Since I was not able to effectively raise money, I found that I could coach and mentor other people who were better at raising money and still be part of the team that does so much to benefit those that suffer from Blood Cancers.
Still, I could not leave the fund raising completely alone. Last year, I ran the Houston Marathon to support my brother in his first Marathon and to raise money for the American Cancer Society in honor of my Dad who was suffering from Colon Cancer and for Cody who is the son of a friend. Dad has completed his treatment and is doing much better. Cody is still fighting the Neuroblastoma. So this year, I will be running the Mississippi Blues Marathon and raising money for Band of Parents. Band of Parents (as the name implies) is a group of parents that advocate for their kids that are suffering from Neuroblastoma.
If you want to donate to these courageous parent who are taking initiative in finding a cure for the disease that is taking their kids, I would be honored. This tome is going to be posted on my blog as well as on the Master's Forum at Runner's World. If you are so inclined, there is a link at the end of my previous blog entry.
If you made it this far, think about why you do what you do. There are a friends that I hope are reading this that are social workers or teachers. I know that they did not pick their careers for the money. There are also stay at home parents out there. Their rewards are either less tangible or more tangible than most.
Beyond your career or your job, are you making a difference, are you building a legacy?
Colossians 3:17 (New American Standard Bible)
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A way to make a difference
However, all the preparation was feeling a bit empty because there has always been a philanthropic component to my marathon preparation.
I had my first real distance running training and ran the Chicago marathon in 2005 with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
My training and fundraising was more personal when I ran in Houston in 2007. I ran for the American Cancer Society. My Dad had started treatment for colon cancer and a the son of a very good forum friend had suffered a reoccurred of a very aggressive form of childhood cancer. So, I ran Houston for Dad and Cody. The starting line picture from that race is the picture that I use for this blog.
Since that time, Dad has gone into remission, but Cody, Mickey, and their family are still fighting Cody's Neuroblastoma Cancer with everything they have.
On I found a way that you can donate to the Band of Parents. Band of Parents is just what it sounds like. Their mission statement:
We are parents of children diagnosed with a cancer called neuroblastoma who want to help further the research and drug development desperately needed to save more children. Neuroblastoma is an "orphan" cancer; pharmaceutical companies are not developing new treatments because there is not a large enough patient base to make development profitable. Funding from the government is similarly limited. Time is running out for many of our children -- money stands between them and a cure.
As parents, we have banded together to increase public awareness about neuroblastoma and to raise funds for the development of novel therapies. We are working in partnership with a talented and dedicated team of doctors at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) who are fighting to save our children from this deadly disease.
Please link over to the fundraising site and help where you can.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Thanks for the Quote GB
I just lifted the verse of the the blog of one of my very dear friends that I have never met. Like all scripture, it is filled with truth and applicability. I have a couple blogs going, and I'm going to put it up on both of them as a reminder because it gives great perspective.
Like most people, I have goals and demands, things I like to do, things I have to do. In every case and circumstance, I am known by what I do and directed by my aspirations.
I am a Christian. I want to serve God with my best.
I am a husband and father. I want to provide for my family in more than just what they need.
I an a Cub Scout Leader. I want to help these boys grow to be strong, productive members of society.
I am a runner. I would like to qualify for the Boston Marathon, and I want to help others to develop a love of running.
I am an engineer and an employee. I want to help my company to grow and be more profitable.
I am tired and feeling pulled in too many directions. Every now and then I need to pull back from the task at hand and look at the big picture. I'll still have just as much to do, and just as much time to do it. The perspective helps. I am not to be impressed with myself or to compare myself with others. I just need to do the very best with what I have.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Easy Wednesday
It was another beautiful cool clear morning, and the stars once again showed up brightly. I actually pulled out the sweatshirt and sweat shorts for the run.
I have been having some nagging soreness in my right hip/groin, and even that was better. I attribute that improvement to the stretching after the strength training and the 1/2 hour of yoga that I did with my wife yesterday.
I wish every day could start like this...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Easy Week Tuesday
Runs normally consist of an easy run on Monday, either Tempo or Intervals on Wednesday, and an easy paced Long Run on Saturday. I am augmenting the schedule with strength training on Tuesday and Thursday and with Flexibility on Friday.
This week is an easy week. All the runs are easy paced and the Saturday Run is relatively short. Also, this week, I found another website called SparkPeople. It has a number of great tools that include a meal and nutrition trackers, menu planners, exercise trackers and strength training plans. I am going to use the tools to track my nutrition and my strength training.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It has been a strange couple weeks
Monday, October 6, 2008
Back to the World of the Living
The tentative diagnosis was a viral meningitis or encephalitis. As with any other virus, the treatment was support while the virus ran its course. By the time the bloodwork had come back, the fever had ended and I was on the mend. So. I was released and told to take it easy.
So, I took a week off from running and did light tasks around the house. Today I rejoined the Running World with an easy 3 miler and I was happy to be out on the streets again. It is only 13 weeks until the Mississippi Blues Marathon.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Maui Marathon and Half Marathon Coaches report.
I started with the 1/2 marathon runners and stayed with the frontrunnners from our team until about 3 miles. Then I started looping back and picking up and checking on the rest of the Mississippi Team. I would drop each of them at the 3 mile mark until the last one. I went with her to a cheer station at about 4 1/2. I hung out there until my front runners came back and then I repeated the routine back to the ten mile mark. I stayed with the last one until the cheer station at the 11/24 mile mark.
I picked up the first marathoner and ran her in then turned around and went back for the last geel. It was getting late and really hot so I waited in the shade at 24 1/2 for a while. I got tired of waiting and a bit worried and continued back tracking. I found her at 24. She was hot, tired, and upset about her time. I gave her a quick one arm hug, dropped in next to her, and ran in the rest of the way with her.
I peeled off at the finish line so she could have a good finishing picture, and went around to the end of the chute. Her friend was waiting there, whe went in and got her. Helped navigate her through the chip turn in, got her some fluids and sat her down in the shade for a while. We encouraged her and told her that she had finished a tough, hot, marathon, and she did great!
The whole Mississippi Team was checked in. I went back to the hotel for an ice bath.
I was on the course for about 5 1/2 hours, and put in about 14 miles along with a bunch of standing, screaming and clapping..
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Maui Tacos 5K Race Report
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Bleeding, tired, and happy
I was a bit disappointed with my preparation for the race. I had a problem with my back last month and missed almost two weeks of training. As I said earlier, I ran the race last year and I thought I knew what to expect. I was wrong. The course was MUCH more difficult than last year.
It started again with a road section to spread the field before we got to the first mud obstacles. The road section was shorter before we got to the field that they dug up. It was obvious that they used a trackhoe to scoop out a hole and they piled the dirt at the beginning of the hole to form a berm to go over. Last year there were three or four mud pits. This time, I lost count, but the last onne was 50 or 60 yards long and had telephone poles across the pit that we had to climd over (or dive under) Total mud distance was about 200 yards.
With the shorter start there was a lot more bunching at the berms as people slowed down getting over the hills.
We came out of that field into a parking lot and I saw people taking shoes off to get the mud out. It did not seem like that would help much. The course took a right turn in to a drainage ditch that had been dug out and filled. Water was waist deep most of the time, but there were random holes and high areas that we could not see. So there was always a danger of falling in a hole or tripping.
Up out of the ditch to a water stop (I guess 1 mile no distance markers) and back into another ditch. Out of that ditch to a longer road section that looped around next to the golf course. Take a left and over the hill. As we topped the hill there is a muddy soupy section with strings across the course about 18" high. About a 20 yard crawl under the strings, get up and run to the tires and flashbacks to football practice as I attempt to high knee through the tires. Then over to a big expanse of mud and another section where they dug up a field and filled the holes with water.
A jaunt across a parking section and into a DEEP ditch. There was a section where I pitched into a hole and had to swim across. There was also a section where the bottom rushed up and I tripped and banged my knee on the bottom.
Up and over a road and into a drainage swale. Through the swale under a bridge, pick up the young lady that slipped and fell in front of me and finally up on the parking lot with the finish line in sight. Try to run it out with shoes full of sand. Cross the line, kick off the shoes and go over to the fireman for a hose down...:)
One of the young ladies that I run with on Saturday Mornings with Team in Training finished 3rd in her AG (YAY)
Lessons learned. This run is all about strength. There was almost no road running where speed is a huge factor. HOWEVER, it is is very difficult to pass in the mud. So it is important to get a good opening run before the first obstacles. Beween obstacles, it is important to get back into running mode as quick as possible. Next year, I may actually swim more of the deep obstacles intentionally. It has got to be better and slipping, tripping and falling in the gumbo stuff in the bottom of the ditch...
A solid midpack finish 12/18 in 40-44 men and 117/396 overall....Better planning and strategy next year.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Less Worry
I won't mind prayers for safety, but I would also ask for prayers for healing for my Dad and for a bunch of friends that I have never met.
Cody who I try try to mention with every post has a very aggressive childhood cancer called Neuroblastoma.
My dad is recovering from Colorectal Cancer.
Megan who is the daughter of Bruce from Runners World is recovering from Leukemia.
John who is the husband of Betsy from Runners World is undergoing treatment for Leukemia.
Katie who is the daughter of Judy from Runners World is starting treatment for Leukemia.
The sheer volume of people that I hear about dealing with Leukemia is one reason that I keep working with Team In Training...
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Now, we are looking at Hurricane Gustav. The forecast tracks all have the storm going in to the west of us. But it is going to be way too close for me to be comfortable with. I have the tent/garage down, and the little British cars wrapped up with plastic sheeting. Tomorrow, I'll take down the canvas gazebos and finish the yard preparations to make sure there is nothing left out that can become airborne. If necessary, I'll board up the windows tomorrow afternoon. Anyway, here is a link to what we are dealing with for the next couple days....As of 8:00 pm, we have a 70% chance of tropical storm winds and A 15% chance of hurricane force winds by September 2.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
It is good to able to run again....
800m Interval times were 3:41, 3:39, 3:40, 3:39.
Warm up and cool down were miles at 10:30 and 10:52
400m rest times were 3:31, 3:28, 3:36
Overall the best interval session I can remember and a significant improvement over three weeks ago.
Mickey, Cody and family are on vacation, but Mickey is still posting on his blog so go over and leave him a nice word...
Monday, August 18, 2008
What a difference a week makes....
Mickey and Cody should be in New York by now. Go ahead and link over to "Days in the Life" in the list to the right and drop him a note.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Better, but still not good.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
In different and better news, I answered a call to pray and fast tomorrow. (link) It seems right that a day that is normally reserved for intense training should be used for intense prayer.
Cody is doing better as are my Dad and Megan. So, prayers are being answered. Y'all have a blessed day.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The best run in a long time
This morning I got up early and got out there. For the first time in a long time, EVERYTHING worked like it was supposed to. No soreness or tightness in the left hip and I did not drag me left heel in the approach to the footstrike. The walkers that were out there had great manners. They left the inside lane for me. I almost wish I could have gotten out there earlier so I could have run some more.
4 lap warm up in 10:02
4x800m with 400m rests 3:49, 3:13, 3:48, 3:13, 3:45, 3:32, 3:50
and 4 laps BAREFOOT in the infield grass 10:17
I felt like a kid again running barefoot in the grass. I can see myself doing that again.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Just another Hot Day
I missed by Saturday long run today because I needed to help with a fundraising yard sale for my oldest. A student ambassador group has invited her to the presidential inauguration, and she needs to raise about $2500 to pay for air fare, hotel, tuition, etc. She is doing very well, and with all her work today, she was able to clear enough for her second payment. I hope the work that she is putting into it will help the trip to be more meaningful. Anyway, I spent all day in the sun with temps in the 90s and humidity closes to 80%. Needless to say, but we were wrung out by the end of the day. I'm spending the evening hydrating and I'll try to get out for a long run before church in the morning.
Kinda ticked off right now. I talked to my Dad, and one of the neighbors went through is wallet when he was not looking and took $500 that he had just gotten from the bank. What kind of person steals from a 72 year old cancer patient? Anyway, he filed a police report, and we'll see where it goes from there.
On to other news. Cody has gotten through his chemo and stem cell rescue. I talked to his dad and his numbers and counts have bottomed out. That means that Cody will start feeling better from here. Please link over to Mickey's Blog (Days in the Life) and leave a kind word for him and Cody.
OK, time to go get some rest...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Another Kirk the Coach Post
Today that distinction came into sharp contrast on a Team in Training run today. I spent nearly 3 hours on a 12.6 mile training run. That is about an hour longer than it would have taken me on a training run. The difference, I am not currently training for an event, and the girl that I was running with is. She was having a real rough day and ended up walking most of the course. I'm proud of her because she stuck it out and completed the course. I think it is a great policy that Team in Training coaches are not to go to run the races that they are coaching for. It helps us to focus on what is important, the training and preparation of the athlete.
If I had been training for an event, it would have been easy to get impatient. But, since I was there as the coach, it was much easier to stay with her and make sure that she was OK and that she was able tomake it back to the cars...
Y'all have a great day and keep an eye out for your friends.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Kirk the coach gives Kirk the runner a break
In the Team in Training World, it looks like I will be able travel with the team to the Maui Marathon in September. I will not run the marathon. I will be coaching and cheering from the sidelines.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Weekend Long Run
After the run, I worked on getting stuff ready for my Daughter's fund raising yard sale (See the blog for ViolinNut). I was also able to get the the generator running for the detached garage/workshop in the back of our yard. Now I'll be able to workout/work on the little car in the evening.
Got up this morning and I have a admirable case of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. I hope it eases off before tomorrow. Anyway, I'm glad tomorrow is an easy run.
Y'all have a good day and be blessed. Stop in and see Mickey at his Blog (Days in the Life) and give him a donation for Neuroblastoma.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sometimes the best runs come from nowhere...
Kirk the coach had to stay on top of Kirk the runner all morning.
The runner did not want to get out of bed this morning. The coach reminded him that he has a goal race the first weekend in September.
The runner did not want to do a tempo run this morning. The coach again reminded him about the goal race.
The runner complained that he left the Garmin charging at the office. How could he run tempo without feedback on his pace? The coach reminded him that the goal race last year did not have mile markers and it was very wet. So the runner is going to have to race just on effort. So the coach pulled out an old Polar Heart Rate Monitor and a Watch. He told the runner to try to maintain about 150 bpm after the warm up.
The runner complained that his hip was tight. The coach told him to go ahead and warm up if the hip was still tight he could take and easy run instead of the tempo. The runner shuffled off. At one mile the coach asked how the hip was. The runner said OK. So, the coach said take off.
At the end of 1 mile, the HR was 150. The coach said Good. At 1.5, the HR was 155. The coach said be careful. At 2 miles the HR had climbed to 165. The coach said slow down. At 3 miles the HR was 160. The coach said OK, ease up a bit more. At 3.5, the coach looked the other way, and the runner took off. The runner finished the 4 mile tempo with a HR of 168 and sucking air. The coach caught him and make him run a 1 mile cool down.
The total mileage was 6.1 total time 56:36
mile 1 9:56 (warm up)
mile 2 18:57 (9:00 pace)
mile 3 27:41 (8:44 pace)
mile 4 36:41 (8:59 pace)
mile 5 45:12 (8:31 pace)
mile 6 56:36 (11:24 pace) (cool down)
Now the coach tells me that today was just to see if I could pace off of a HR Monitor. Next week he is going to work me harder. I think he is just ticked about me taking off on that last tempo mile...
I guess that is enough of me typing about myself talking to myself. Go ahead and link over to Mickey's Blog (Days in the Life) and see how he and Cody are doing. There are some great pictures of Mickey, Cody, and some butterflies. Y'all have a great day!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Late check in after a Great Weekend
My life has been really good. I feeling a bit under the weather this morning so I slept in and woke much more rested. Then I had a HOT lunchtime run. It is nice to run in the sunlight where everyone can see you instead of at dawn. I had a guy run me off into the grass twice on Monday.
Lets back up and catch up on my life for the past week. I took last Thursday off leading into the long weekend. I used Thursday, Friday, and part of Saturday to finish the "treehouse" for my youngest.

He is thrilled and now he will leave my middle son alone when he wants to go to his "treehouse" (on the platform in the background).
After all the assembly for the kids, I did some assembly for my Wife and Myself.

It is almost new. we picked it up cheap at a yardsale, and we are looking forward to using it.
After all that, I spent several hours in the ER with my Middle Son. He had a mysterious outbreak of hives. a steroid shot, antihistamines, and 4 days of oral steroids later, he is almost cleared up. But, I sure would like to know what set him off...
Anyway, y'all pray for Mickey and Cody, and have a great day.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
A better day!
On the home front, Dad got his fifth of twelve doses of Chemo yesterday. He normally gets his dose on Wednesday but, his medicine has a component that is pumped into his port over two days, and the Doctor's Office is closed for the Fourth of July. So, they started him a day early. Dad is tolerating his treatment extremely well, and I cant say enough to convey how happy I am with his progress.
If I don't post again before Friday, y'all enjoy your holiday, and remember those that sacrificed so that we could be (and remain) independent.

Friday, June 20, 2008
Insurance GRRR.....
We all hear about the cost of care, but it should be balanced with consideration that quite often it is more than dollars and cents, it is often life or death.
I'll climb down off my soapbox and an ask you to pray for Mickey and Cody and family.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Friend in Need
Y'all go to Mickey's Blog (Day's in the Life) and let him know that you are praying for him, Cody, and the family.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Tuesday 6-17-08
For things that really matter. The child that I mentioned in my last post has earned her angel wings. Please go over to Mickey's Blog (Days in the Life). Leave a kind word for him and find the link to Marissa's Caringbridge site and leave a note for her parents. I cannot imagine what they are going through.
On to brighter news. My daughter has been invited to the Presidential Inauguration through the Student Ambassador Group that she belongs to. The honored guest is TBD, but my daughter needs to raise the cost of the trip. I have a link to her blog on the right (Violin Nut), and she has a few links to fundraisers as well as a log of what she has been doing.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Friday for friends
My friend in Pennsylvania seems to be doing better and was even able to return to running this week.
Here is where the shame for the easy week comes in. My friend Deck Ape (Mickey) posted a link for another kid that is about to lose to the same cancer that his son has. The link is on his blog post from yesterday. You can get to it from my link bar to the right. Please go and leave a message for the family. Mickey has said that it helps.
And, another running friend has posted about the trouble his daughter is having with this round of Chemotherapy. You can check on Megan right here. Again, If you want to leave a message for BG and Megan, feel free.
At the same time I have healthy, mostly-happy kids and a Dad that is tolerating his Chemotherapy very well. I thank God for his blessings and pray for his comfort for my friends.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Think about your friends Thursday
I have a real good friend that I never met. He lives in Philadelphia, and I got to know him through the Masters Forum on Runners World Online. Anyway, life has thrown a plot twist into his story that he never imagined. He is bruised, but I don't think he is beaten. Its is a good time to think about, remember, and pray for our friends.
TnT athletes, today was a beautiful morning for your two mile runs. Rest up and hydrate tomorrow for the group run on Saturday. If you want to Cross Train tomorrow, do some lower stress stuff such as an easy bike ride, yoga or stretching exercises. You will probably want to save the weight lifting for earlier in the week. And, send me the links your fund raising sites. I'll put all the links up on this blog.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Team in training athletes are supposed to run two miles today and two tomorrow. It may not seem like much right now, but please get into the habit of regular training. It will make the training later in the cycle much easier.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
One week Tuesday
For my cross training, I went 4 miles on a bike in about 20 minutes. It was a nice change, and a beautiful morning out.
Time to go get some coffee.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Monday Monday
I thought I would highlight a blog post from Sillie Lillie. She ran her first Ultra-marathon over the weekend. This is a whole different class of running from the normal road race. She does a great job of describing the experience. If any of the TnT folks are curious about what happened to her feet, and what might happen to yours, just ask. I'll be glad to fill you in.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Rest Day Sunday
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Group Run Saturday
There were about 14 athletes at Cedar Lake and Popps Ferry for the group run. That is the best turn out I have ever seen. We did have a question about Shin Pain. Here is a link to a Runner's World Article. Shin Pain
I'll be sending a group email in the morning. Somebody asked for the training schedule, and I can't remember who it was. I just need to get to the office computer. Tomorrow, everyone needs to rest.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Here is your quote:
"The marathon, you see, is my benchmark. It is the status symbol in my community, the running community." Dr. George Sheehan
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Team in Training Thursday
Quote of the Day from Runner's World - "The five S's of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit." - Ken Doherty
My run this morning went pretty well. I went 4 miles in the humid pre-dawn, and came home sopping wet. I remembered my pepper spray, but I did not have to use it. The two dogs from yesterday were nowhere to be seen.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Running Stuff For Wednesday
I'll be getting the contact information for the TnT Athletes tomorrow and I'll invite them to stop in here and visit. Those that are following the generic schedule should run 20 minutes today and 20 minutes tomorrow. We have at least a couple athletes that are more advanced than the average TnT athlete. We'll be gathering details and the other coach and I will customize a training schedule for them.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Team in Training Meeting
We had a really good information/kick off meeting for the Team in Training group. It looks like it will be a really good group. They have all been given generic training schedules. The other coaches and I will customize the schedules as required for each athlete. Those running the Maui Marathon have 18 weeks to get ready. The Nike Marathon participants have 23 weeks. I don't expect any of the Team athletes to be reading this blog because I have not told them about it yet .. :)
I am supposed to get a participant list with e-mail addresses by Thursday. After that, we can really get started with the training and coaching. Those that have schedules should get out and run for 20 minutes tomorrow.
A place to Start....
How does one start a blog? I know some of you have been wondering when I would post something because there have been several views on my profile since I created it to use when leaving messages on other blogs.